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Save time and oil while improving quality.

The traditional way to sear meatballs is frying, as we need quick cooking on the outside to set the shape. In this phase, we’re not concerned about the interior, as it will typically finish cooking in the sauce.

All good, except that the method requires supervision, oil is expensive, it degrades quickly with this type of cooking, and furthermore, we cause greater product shrinkage.


Well, as with everything in life, there are likely several options, but for us, one of the best is to sear them in the oven.


As always: it can be programmed, controlled by internal temperature, delegated, and always comes out the same.

What do we need?

A little knowledge (which this text will provide) and the corresponding cooking accessory.

We’ll explain everything you need:

We need high temperature, low humidity, and high fan speed.

The amount of fat will depend on the meat mixture. If it has a high fat percentage, we recommend not adding more. Otherwise, simply spraying oil on the outside will suffice.

To prevent the bottom from becoming white and overcooked, we’ll need trays that transmit heat. Iron or granite may be the best option.

While we’re at it, it’s best to control cooking by internal temperature rather than time, ensuring consistent results.

Here’s a video by David Massé about this cooking method.

Regarding the cooking trays.

The ones in the video are this model, although there are others that can also serve the purpose. Generally, 40mm is the most versatile height. It allows us to do searing, breading, and even some sautéing.

If you have any doubts about how many or what sizes to buy, ask us.